Constitution of Warwickshire Conservation Volunteers
(as agreed at meeting at Lighthorne Rough on 28th November 2012)
1. The group shall be called Warwickshire Conservation Volunteers.
2. The aims of the group are:
To promote practical conservation through volunteers.
To educate the volunteers in the principles and practice of conservation.
3. To fulfil these aims:
a) The group will undertake practical conservation work.
b) Other activities, in furtherance of the aims or for the benefit of the group, shall also be undertaken from time to time as the members see fit.
c) Money shall be raised when necessary for carrying out the aims of the group.
4. The area served is principally Warwickshire but projects and activities may be undertaken elsewhere as is seen fit by the members.
5. The organisation shall apply for association with BTCV, and shall observe the conditions of association.
6. Membership shall be open to anyone interested in taking an active part in the work of the organisation.
7. The organisation shall hold meetings (as needed, but at least twice per annum) to discuss its policy and administration. All members shall be invited to these meetings, and each member will have one vote.
8. Such officers shall be appointed as are required to conduct the administration of the organisation. These will include a chairperson and a treasurer. These officers shall be in charge of the day-to-day running of the organisation, but shall be answerable to meetings of members.
9. There shall be an annual subscription to help pay necessary expenses, to be fixed at a members' meeting at such rate as is from time to time thought adequate.
10. Accounts shall be kept by the treasurer, submitted to an independent inspection and approved at a members meeting.
11. The organisation shall maintain insurance for volunteers on its projects, and for injuries to third parties and damage to property.
12. If the organisation shall, by general consent of its members, cease to exist, all assets shall pass to other charitable institution having objects similar to the objects of the Group as the Committee may decide.
13. This constitution shall only be altered by consent of a majority of the members of the organisation.